Parent Portal


Week 6: Zig-Zag Pasta Counting (Wednesday)

Date: 31 May 2020
Uploaded by Amanda Hunt

Print the ziz-zag sheet off the portal

What you will need: dry pasta, glue, colouring pens/pencils, scissors.

What you will need to do:

  1. Cut along the straight black lines.
  2. Count and stick the pasta on each zig-zag.
  3. Write the amount in each box. You can use the number track or ask an adult to write the number so that you can trace over it.
  4. Which zig-zag is short?
  5. Which zig-zag is tall?
  6. Stick the zig-zags in order from the shortest to the tallest in your blue book.


Can you draw your own zig-zag in your blue book?

Can you draw a short zig-zag and a tall zig-zag?